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Flat Calendar Dll Free Download

By:   |   Updated: 2020-07-09   |   Comments (28)   |   Related: More > Integration Services Development


SQL Server Integration Services is Microsoft's powerful platform for implementing Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) solutions. It allows SQL Server Professionals to solve complex business intelligence tasks and work with a wide range of data sources. Microsoft provides a graphical tool for designing and developing Integration Services projects. This tool has always been an integral part of the Visual Studio. However, the name of this tool as well as the method of its installation varies from version to version of Visual Studio (VS). In this article, we are going to illustrate how to install the SQL Server Integration Services development tool for the latest version of Visual Studio.


As mentioned above, Microsoft's tool for developing Integration Services projects is named differently in different versions of the Visual Studio. For example, for the SQL Server 2008/2008R2 integration services, this tool was VS 2008's Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) and came with the SQL Server installation media. In VS 2010, the tool was renamed as the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and shipped as a part of the SQL Server 2012 installation media. In VS 2012/2013, this tool was slightly renamed as SSDT-BI and needed a separate download. In VS 2015, it was called SSDT and needed a separate download. In VS 2017, this tool could be installed during the VS installation. It is worth mentioning that BIDS, SSDT-BI, and SSDT can be used not only for working with SSIS projects, but also SQL Server Analytical Services and SQL Server Reporting Services projects. Additionally, it is important to note that SSDT is backward compatible, which means that projects designed on the newer versions of SSDT can run on older versions of SQL Server.

Now, after that historical review, let's move to the latest release of Visual Studio – VS 2019 and see what this version provides as an SSIS development tool. For this version of the VS, there is no standalone installer for SSDT. While in this version the core components of SSDT for creating database projects have remained integrated in Visual Studio, the Integration Services, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services projects have become just an extension of the VS. Thus, in order to install the tool for SSIS development, we first need to install VS 2019. Therefore, we will divide our article into two parts. In the first part we will describe the installation of VS 2019 and in the second part, will illustrate the SSIS's extension installation.

Installing Visual Studio 2019

To download Visual Studio 2019 we will use the following link.

For our example, we will download the free, Community edition of this product:

Select Community Edition of Visual Studio 2019

Then, we will click on "Free download". After downloading the .exe file, we will double click on it to start the process:

Visual Studio 2019 Executeable File

The Visual Studio installer starts and after some time the following window is opened:

Visual Studio 2019 Installer

To add SSDT, we scroll down and choose "Data storage and processing". Then, we press the "Install" button and wait for the installation to complete:

Visual Studio Community 2019 Installer Progress

After installation, restart is required, so we press "Restart":

Visual Studio Community 2019 Reboot Required

After having our computer rebooted, we start Visual Studio:

Start Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

On the next screen, just to keep our example simple, we just click "Not now, maybe later." instead of signing in:

Connect all developer services in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

After that, we choose the theme and click on "Start Visual Studio":

Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition Development Settings

Well, we have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 on our computer. Now, it's time to add the extension for developing Integration Services projects.

Adding the SSIS Projects extension to the Visual Studio 2019

When Visual Studio is opened, we click on "Continue without code" to add the necessary extension:

Add Extensions in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

In this window, we click on "Extensions" > "Manage Extensions":

Manage Extensions in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

In the search bar of the opened window, we type "Integration Services" to easily locate the extension. From the appeared list we choose "SQL Server Integration Services Projects" and press "Download":

Find SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

Then, we will execute the downloaded .exe file:

Execute SQL Server Integration Services Executeable File for Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

The installation of the extension begins. Now, we will follow some simple steps. In the next window we click "OK":

Select Language for SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

After that, we click "Next" to continue:

Start Installation of SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

If you receive the following message, you probably have SQL Server Management Studio opened:

Installation Error for SQL Server Integration Services Installation in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

Close it and click "OK". The process should continue:

Loading Packages for SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

Finally, the setup is completed and we have our extension installed:

Setup Complete for SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

Now, we are ready to create Integration Services projects. In Visual Studio, we choose "Create a new project":

Create New Project in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

In the next window, we type "integration" to find "Integration Services Project" and click on it:

Create New SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

We choose a name for our project:

Configure SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition

Hence, it is ready! We opened the interface where we can design and develop SSIS 2019 packages:

Start Building SQL Server Integration Services Projects in Visual Studio Community 2019 Edition


To sum up, we reviewed the updates related to the tool for SQL Server Integration Services projects development in the VS 2019. As we have seen, in this version of the VS, the tool for designing SSIS projects is installed as an extension of the Visual Studio. We have also explored how to install Visual Studio 2019 and how to add the Integration Services Projects extension to it.

Next Steps

Please find additional, topic-related information using the following links:

  • SQL Server Download Quick Links
  • SQL Server Integration Services Tutorial
  • SQL Server Integration Services Tip Categories

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About the author

MSSQLTips author Sergey Gigoyan Sergey Gigoyan is a database professional with more than 10 years of experience, with a focus on database design, development, performance tuning, optimization, high availability, BI and DW design.

View all my tips

Article Last Updated: 2020-07-09


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